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May 01, 2023

Soft as Marshmallows

Maybe I’m just old and envious. Maybe it’s just a sign of the times. Maybe it’s both! Work from home, casual dress, unlimited paid time off, coffee cafes and free lunches. Now there’s chatter about four- day work weeks. God help the last of the Millennials (ages 27-32) and Gen Z (ages 21-26) if the recession around the corner is a bad one. Employers, big and small, are ready for the scales to tip in their favor. And when they do, it’s going to be a rude awakening. Many of the perks employees have come to expect will disappear or be scaled back.

To be fair, it’s not just young people who are as soft as marshmallows. Look at the hundreds of thousands protesting in France because President Macaron changed the retirement age from 62 to 64. It’s embarrassing!

Go ahead and judge me. No one ever said they should have spent more hours in the office while on their death bed. While that’s true, the next time you’re at a Starbucks, Target or CVS and see a 70-year-old barista or cashier, ask yourself if they’re doing that job because they want to, or because they need the money?

If you want zen, start your day at 8:30am. Make the mid-morning coffee run a priority. Shave every other day. And, one of my favorites, socks should be optional in the summer.

However, if you want to avoid being laid off in the 2024 recession, I recommend working 10 hours per day, often 12. Shave daily. Wear a blazer. Oh, one more thing, be highly productive.

Is this sage advice from someone who paid his dues or a winey editorial from an out-of-touch old guy? You be the judge.

Paul Sullivan
Founder & Managing Partner
Wealth Management Independence