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Jan 06, 2022

Impact Of The Hand-Written Note

When was the last time you received a handwritten note? Exactly. You can’t remember. No one writes them any longer. Sadly, even sending a thank you note after receiving a gift is a lost art.

Everyone is just too busy to write them. Twelve-hour workdays, kids’ activities, household chores, and the never-ending list of errands. Are we really too busy? I always seem to have enough time for my favorite Netflix series , an NFL game or a cigar with friends.

Do you want to have an impact on someone? Send them a hand written note. I was reminded of this recently upon returning home from work and getting the mail. Expecting only bills and catalogs, I received a small envelope with my name and address on the front. It was a hand-written thank you note for a small gift I sent to a longtime friend. But it was more than just a note of thanks. It was a thoughtfully written message wishing me well in the New Year. It was personalized! He paid special attention to matters of particular importance to me.

Admittedly, the note had an impact on me. Our friendship has always been strong. Now, it’s even stronger. I’ve always been loyal. Now, I’m more loyal. His note reminded me how impactful the written word can be. In case you’re wondering, the note was sent by my former CEO, Jim Dickson.

Paul Sullivan
Founder and Managing Partner
Wealth Management Independence